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Modo W007 Water Based Varnish

RM 18.00

Product descriptions:
 Water-based acrylic paint which are similar to Vallejo (AV colors). Pre-thinned, no further dilution required.

 - The BEST Super Chrome protection coat in the market, able to retain 85% of its mirror glossiness.
 - Melting-proof once it is completely cured.
 - Also applicable as protective coat for all other properties paints (acrylic, enamel and lacquer-based). 

 Important notice:
 1. Same usage as other water-based paints in the market, it's washable or dissolvable with water or solvent BEFORE it is completely cured.
 2. After completely cured, it is non-reversible, non-washable, and not easy to dissolve. Therefore, it is advised to wash your airbrush hand-piece immediately after use. (note: cover paint cup with wet sponge or cloth to maintain humidity)  
 3. To remove varnish coat, dip into Modo D05h Paint Remover for about 10 minutes.
 4. Suggest to spray a few layers of mist coat, then cover with wet coat to prevent wrinkling effect.
 5. DO NOT mix with lacquer / enamel thinner, it will cause cohesion due to different substance. 

 Capacity: 30ml