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Pokemon Scale World Johto Region 2

RM 41.00

More of your favorite "Pokemon" from the Johto Region are joining Bandai's "Pokemon Scale World" figure series! Their compact size makes them easy to collect and display. There are ten Pokemon and one Pokemon trainer in this set; you'll get one each of all 11 figures. Place you r order today!            

- 1 Wooper & Furret / Upah & Ootachi
- 2 Mareep & Sudowoodo / Merriep & Usokkie
- 3 Teddiursa & Sentret & Phanpy / Himeguma & Otachi & Gomazou
- 4 Marill & Azumarill / Maril & Marilli
- 5 Ampharos / Denryu
- 6 Kris / Crys